Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Summary of Stevan Javellana's Without Seeing the Dawn (The Lost Ones)

Without Seeing the Dawn (or The Lost Ones) by Stevan Javellana book cover.jpg

                                                                               photo from:

Set in a small farming village called Manhayang, Sta. Barbara, somewhere in Negros. Like most rural baranggays, the hardworking and closely-knit village folk there had simple needs, simple wants, and simple dreams. They were living their own simple lives when the violence of war reached their place and brought death to their village, their homes and their hearts.

Here revolves the story of  Ricardo "Carding" Suerte, son of Juan Suerte. An industrious, strong and sometimes quick-tempered young man, he aspired to marry Lucia, the daughter of the teniente del barrio. Though his father thought he was not yet prepared and had wished to send him to school, he gave his blessing to the decision of his son. He consented to asking Lucia’s hand from her parents in the traditional pamamanhikan, accompanied by the village’s best orator and the godmother of the lass. After agreeing to the conditions of the village chief, the marriage was set. Tatay Juan gathered up almost all of his hard-earned savings for the dowry and expenses for the wedding feast. In the meantime, Carding excitedly built their house despite the advice of the elderly- that building one’s house in May will bring misfortune to its inhabitants.

And so it came to pass that after the grand wedding and the feast that followed- which was even attended by their representate- the newlyweds lived happily on the land entrusted to Tatay Juan by Don Diego, but not for long. Misfortune struck early when their first child was stillborn. A more difficult trial came when Lucing disgraced herself, her family and her husband by having an affair with Luis, the son of their landlord. Caught naked, he was beaten up by the strong, angry husband whose honor and pride were hurt. The couple patched things up, but the land that Carding and Juan Suerte had been tilling for a very long time was given to another tenant.

With no land to till, the pair tried their luck in the city. There, in Iloilo, Carding met Rosing and Nestong. The latter was his fellow stevedore and union member, and the former, a prostitute besotted with him, and also the reason why his wife left him and returned to their barrio. Soon, Carding followed Lucing with news that the representante entrusted them with land to till in Badlan. Lucing too, had news for her husband: she was again pregnant.

They moved to Badlan and worked harder than ever. They were blessed not only by a promise of a bountiful harvest, but also with a healthy son they named Crisostomo. Sadly, their landlord sold the land, and they were given time to harvest what they sowed. Misfortune was like a shadow though. A great flood destroyed everything that they had- harvest and carabao as well.

Wanting to own their own piece of land, they were convinced to move to Mindanao, but Carding was drafted for military service. When he returned, he found his wife heavy with another child. At first, the truth was kept from him. What he knew was that his father and his son died of some illness.  But later it was revealed that the Japanese soldiers who attacked their village killed his father and son and raped his wife. He was enraged when he learned the truth. As his neighbors, relatives and friends in barrio Manhayang were tortured, raped and massacred by the Japanese soldiers, Carding too became an executioner to his enemies, and not even his friend nor the brother of his mother-in-law were spared. He also almost killed the child that his wife had just delivered, were it not born dead. For that, Lucing was so enraged that she sent him away.

The Japanese ordered everyone to enter a collective barrio or else be considered guerrilla supporters and be shot. But the villagers of Manhayang also refused to be considered enemies of their own sons, and so they decided to evacuate in barrios farther away. However, Lucing was hesitant to go. She was waiting to see her husband despite everything, knowing that he will be leading the suicide attack to the Japanese garrison. When they did see each other, Carding asked for her forgiveness and left her what cash he had as he bade her farewell. In the end, Lucing refused to flee for she knew that she was still his wife, duty-bound to receive the corpse of her beloved husband.


  1. The story is indeed so enthralling! though it makes the readers felt like crying at the end.

  2. Sta. Barbara is a municipality in Iloilo, not in Negros...

  3. Can anyone send any link to read this novel?

  4. Can anyone send any link to read this novel?

  5. I read this and made a review for an English subject in college. It made me realized that Filipino writers are as great as their American counterparts. I fell in love with this book.

    1. They made my daughter read it , she's in first year high school

  6. Very helpful for my report thank you.

  7. I needed this for my book profunity report ! Thankssss

  8. I read this book in 1982 my first ever novel during my College Days.The novel depicts the rural life just like what I grew up in Bukidnon, Mindanao Island. I shed tears at the conclusion of the novel bec. I empathize with the misfortunes of the main character...its a typical filipino rural life.

    1. I remember this novel, when I was in high school It is a good novel. I did a book report.I just look for it again to recall & reminsche my time when I was still a student 35 years ago..

  9. The story was great but still I was wondering why it is entitled "Without seeing the dawn?"

    1. The main character at the end of the novel was going on a suicide attack against a Japanese garrison an is sure to die as a result thereof thereby suffering the same fate as jose rizal dying before seeing his country free from foreign oppression.

  10. Manhayang is a baranggay of Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Not Negros but Iloilo.

  11. Is Carding one of the Guerillas?

  12. This is a beautiful story.Very nice ?

  13. The story was made so perfectly but still a terric one^^

  14. It was a clichéd WWII novel in the Philippines, but there is much more to it than that, it suits the tastes of a Filipino. If I could read the full story, I would probably be moved to tears to learn of the struggles of all Filipinos during the tragic Japanese occupation, especially what happened to Carding, his family, and the neighborhood.

  15. The story is so good, it’s an eye opener for us Filipinos.

  16. Despite the fact that the plot is excellent, I was left with a feeling of sadness.

  17. This novel is a great one despite of misfortunes that happened on their family and what did the Japanese do to the family of carding and the people on their village.

  18. It is very tragic to carding because of what happen during Japanese occupation i feel the painful of carding on what happen to his family and the neighborhood.


  19. The plot is quite ominous and overwhelming. I'm flabbergasted, but the flow of the story is quite understandable and predictable given the reference to the Japanese colonization in the Philippines. However, this is excusable because it accurately depicts the tragic events that many Filipinos experienced in the past.

  20. The story of Without Seeing The Dawn is thrilling,Beautiful and tough,for Carding and his wife they face a lot of struggles in their life to the japanese period. They don't have mercy to the people in the barrio they are brutal.

  21. This kind of story was good and it was tragic.

  22. for the story is quite melancholy because of the man who was so full with his life and ending up been broken into pieces.

  23. After Reading the story, its interesting and tragic story. The Japanese dont have mercy to others, they keep hurting them. Its sad but the story is great.

  24. The story is great even though it is a kind of tragic one

  25. I love how this story was made, it attract readers. A tragic story that will makes you feel sad but still a unique one because of the plot.I really enjoy reading it.

  26. A great story, and the story really shows how Filipino suffered during the Japanese Period

  27. In this story the infidelity of their relationship was revealed when the trials afflict but at the end of the time the love for each other was remain.

  28. The book published is more than just a novel but tells the story with just one of the tragic lived civilians had experience back in the time of the Japanese period.Eventually there are in some cases that a man experiences happenings through their life whether it would be the choice of one's rights taken, or would rather choose pleasure and joy despite one's actions is inhumane.

  29. I'm thankful that I did not experience this traumatic happening. the Japanese were too cruel to us Filipinos back then.

  30. It was a captivating novel. Fate really tested Carding and Lucia’s relationship. It depicts how Japanese treated the Filipinos way back then. Though it’s quite a left-hanging one, still it is appreciable. If I could read the full story, I think that would be much great; there are some things that I am curious about the novel.

  31. The story was very interesting and while I'm reading I feel excited what will happen next. It is reminder for all of us that should follow the advices of elderly especially the superstition.

  32. This is merely a summary of the novel, and as a reader, you can sense the intensity of the story; yet, after reading it, I found the story to be quite engaging and capable of opening our thoughts. The tale depicts our forefathers' suffering during the Japanese occupation.

  33. The story is good but quite tragic, the Japanese is brutal they kill the father and son of carding and raped his wife.

  34. A beautiful story but with a tragic ending.

  35. The story was great but tragic, for me the author really emphasizes how early Filipinos being treated and suffered in the hands of Japanese during their colonization.

  36. Despite of some factual errors in the the summary, I think that the story portrays a rather grim but very honest story. As much as it dwells on the period of occupation, it also was honest in the way that characters acted. From what is written in the summary, 6/10.

  37. A sad but a great story of love and family. The ending was tragic but overall it’s nice, indeed.

  38. it was a ill fated yet beautiful story. The tragidies and misfortunes that happen really tested the couple. it also depicts how cruel  the japanese treated our ancestors While reading the summarized version it increases my interest to the story.

  39. It was indeed a tragic and melancholic story. Japanese colonization had brought frustrations, traumas, and tragedies, which were all reflected on the literary pieces produced that time just like this one. Moreover, I want to focus on how Lucing handled her situation. It is indeed a heart-breaking moment for anyone to know the death of their loved ones. It just shows that our life will certainly have an end someday. Lucing and Carding may never have a perfect relationship with each other but when the death of the latter came, the first still stays there. My interpretation is that in life we should always choose to forgive, not just for us to also be forgiven, but also because we could never know if the people around us, or even us ourselves, will be blessed to see another dawn.

  40. It was tragic and interesting story.

  41. The story is very much like watching drama that ends in tragedy. However, it just tells the reader that this is what happened during the Japanese occupation. This is what happened to the Filipinos during their occupation. This is how Philippines looked like during the war. Great story

  42. The story is meaningful and interesting but at the same time it is tragic. A man who suffers from a disaster after disaster.

  43. The novel itself is sad because it was based on real-life events, the grim experience and more (during the Japanese Period). It has to parts namely "the day" and "the night." One of my grandparents told me the same story about the Japanese people for not having mercy... The genre: war and theme: tragedy is what makes this story interesting. The novel shows of how brutal some Japanese soldiers are (during their era time). The amount of trauma. I felt bad for the wife and the people who have experienced this torture.

  44. I felt sad for what happened to Lucing. Anyways, the story tells us what happened during the Japanese Colonization. It tells us how brutal the Japanese are.

  45. The decision that Carding made really impact their lives and the fate really tested the young couple. This novel is good but has a very tragic story.

  46. This story is beautiful but has a sad ending; it will make us realize how fortunate we are not to have been born during the period when the Philippines was colonized by the Japanese, and we must thank our forefathers for not giving up the fight for our independence in the face of Japanese aggression.

  47. This novel makes me angry and helpless. Do you know that feeling that you wanna avenge everything that happened to you but you dont have the courage to do it because you will be killed and everybody's gonna be killed.This novel tells everything that the Filipinos endured on the hands of the japanese, the killing,raping,being a slave and many more.This novel is very subtle yet very aggresive to the things it wanna convey.This novel is good and i highly recommend it to the people that really loves reading.

  48. The author presented the Filipino way of life, dreams and desires and how it was destroyed. In just a blink of an eye, a seemingly simple story about typical Filipino life turns into a nightmare.

  49. This novel is a beautiful but a tragic story, I felt sad by Carding's recurring misfortune.

  50. The story is good and I aready expected that it has a sad ending because of the said colinization

  51. This story is so amazing.
    It was perfectly made! It awakened my anger for those people who has the audacity to cheat on their partners despite of their loyalty.

    -Hanan Pangsayan

  52. The story is amazing and interesting

  53. Even though it is tragic, the story has a great plot, the brutal and their relationship. in the end you feel the sadness for every characters.

  54. This story shows us what Carding and Lucia had gone through during Japanese Colonization and knowing that these terrifying events also happened to other Filipinos during this era is actually very miserable, this story basically shows us how much Filipino people have suffered during that time & how their peaceful lives were destroyed during Japanese Colonization.

  55. The story is amazing it really shown how the Filipino life, dreams and aspiration and how it was been shattered and destroyed when japanese came.

    - Al Iman Kasan

  56. This story was great and beautiful even though it is a kind of tragic one

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. This Novel entitled "Without seeing the dawn" is an Historical Fiction wherein it tells about Young Filipino Farmer it shows his indigence before the war and hardships however he found out that His wife has been raped by a Japanese Soldier and she was pregnant In my own point of view This story has a connection between the Spanish rule and about the change opposed to the Japanese before, Therefore I felt Piqued because of those Japanese who gave a devastation in our country. At which point this story gives a Moral Lesson that we should always do our Duties in our country even it's hard but we need to maintain federation and and Tranquility.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. While I was reading Without Seeing the Dawn , I knew for a fact I was encountering totally original material that was both fresh and exciting. It led me to appreciate and love the Filipiniana section of the library and gave me a sense of pride on our Philippine lit.Until now, I can feel the simplicity of life, the tragedy of war and the hope in love.

  62. This story is beautiful, but it also has a sad ending. It highlights how lucky we were not to be born during the time when the Philippines was invaded by the Japanese

  63. This Novel "Without Seeing the Dawn" tells us how life was during the war, and very inspiring. As a Filipino, we should always do our part, responsibility and obligation in taking care of the unity of the nation. We need to keep the nation stable through union and peace.

  64. This novel was great as I read it I felt sad, It's tragic. The thought of during those times you could see the misery among the list of characters It clearly claims to us how easy life can change as compared how easy day shifts in night and how brightness can turn darker all of the sudden.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. This Story Tells About the Bad Impact Of Japanese here in out Country So I felt Annoyed of what they’re doing to some ladies it’s such a Damage it ruins their Image. This Novel gives us Ideas and Reflections.

  67. The story is great but at the same time it is tragic one.


  69. Based in this story it gives a reflection about the Japanese of how cruel or savage they are, They Gave The Filipinos a Mistreatment While reading this story about a couple and her wife has been raped by a Japanese It’s like I felt anger in my heart that Makes me think that Even Other people Can Hurt us or Destroy us.They don’t have any respect to some Women they don’t know to Value Every Girls in short they are Heartless.

  70. This novel is so good. It's not like the novels I read where people fell inlove at first sign then live happily ever after forever, this one have a certain gist of reality. The way the couple had a failed relationship and still tried to fixed their marriage really amazed me because that thing really happens in real life. the flow of the story is amazing, the ending was sad tho.

  71. It was brilliant--everything was slotted perfectly

  72. This summary was written so well that I feel like I had just read the whole story. However, as I have mentioned that it is beautifully written, the end, especially the endling line got me as it was so sad that I may get interested into reading the whole novel.

  73. Aleah Ampatuan

    While Reading This Story It Gives me a reflection that The Japanese Was Very Brutal and they don’t have a mercy Especially for the Women They Think that raping a woman is right but it actually a Bad Doings, I felt Sad and Angry While Reading it because of the two Couples they are affected because of the japanese occupation However this tells the resistence of Filipinos during the Japanese Occupation.

  74. The novel is good, it follows the story of this couple through their lives including an adultery and the loss of their home and their land, though the story was short it was really heartfelt and meaning.

  75. The story plot is good but sad and brutal.

  76. This beautiful novel of fine storyline, crafted in such a way that elicits mixed and profound feelings while one could almost always without a hitch relate to the utmost struggles of every Filipino during the tragic Japanese occupation of the Philippines, World War II.

  77. This novel is great, but the ending was tragic.

  78. The novel is similar to seeing a tragedy-filled drama.

  79. It was interesting and a catastrophic story.

  80. Interesting story but quite tragic.

  81. The novel is well-written; the characters are believable and their ideas, motivations, and emotions are well-explained; the environment evokes fear and terror; and the ending is bittersweet in a nice way. The plot is straightforward, which is understandable given that the film is a tribute to the tragic events that occurred during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines.

  82. I felt like I read the entire novel after reading this synopsis of "Without Seeing the Dawn."
    They were already suffering at initially, and I was anticipating a joyful finish after such a long period of suffering, but things worsened, despite the fact that it is still a beautiful and tragic at the same time

  83. The emotion in it are fine-drawn but deep.The story is so good, it’s an eye opener for us Filipinos.

  84. The story was both great and tragic. The emotions in it are deep.

  85. The story was great they have a simple life,until the japanese came and ruined it that turns there life into tragic.

  86. The story was very nice. It talks about how brutal Japanese are. This story gives knowledge and also anger.

  87. The moral lesson of Without Seeing Dawn is we should always do our part, responsibility and obligation in taking care of the unity of the nation. We need to keep the nation stable through union and peace.

  88. this story really shows how brutal and how rude the japanese were to the filipinos then, and the filipinos could do nothing but follow the orders of the japanese

  89. The novel crosses over into wartime and depicts every grisly detail of the sudden Japanese occupation, and how ruthlessly it distorts and destroys the lives of all those involved.

  90. I really eed this fo my literature class
    thank you

  91. It became more sad and dramatic when I read the summary of this story while Atlantis by Seafret is playing on the background. Thanks for this by the way.
